Private Investigator Manuel Gomez is a proud Desert Storm Veteran of the United States military. Throughout his military career, Gomez served as an Army Intelligence Officer in various tours of Afghanistan.
Desert Storm Veteran

Prior to launching Black Ops Private Investigators, Manuel Gomez served in the United States military. A proud Desert Storm Veteran, Gomez provided critical service as an Army Intelligence Officer. In this role, he spearheaded the planning and initiation of various investigative methods implemented in order to protect Coalition Forces. Fighting alongside his fellow 18th Airborne Corps members, the Army Intelligence Officer captured terrorists in Afghanistan in response to attacks on Coalition Forces. Gomez was also directly responsible for planning and carrying out the seizing and destroying of a large amount of enemy explosives and weapons. Both as a leader and a dedicated member of his team, Gomez’s efforts played a vital role in serving and protecting America.
Throughout his United States military career, Manuel Gomez took on numerous roles, including representation of the U.S. Department of State. At this capacity, the Army Intelligence Officer and Desert Storm Veteran provided protection of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, as well as the U.S. Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan. A true American hero, Manuel Gomez maintains an unwavering commitment to his country, even still today. As the Founder and Lead Investigator of Black Ops Private Investigators, Gomez continues to carry out that commitment to the protection of the American people — every single day.
Military Intelligence Certifications

Both on and off the battlefield, American hero and Desert Storm Veteran Manuel Gomez and his accomplishments demonstrate a steadfast commitment to courage, integrity and precision. While serving in Afghanistan, the Army Intelligence Officer’s ability to provide precise and immediate response in the face of danger was certainly no small feat. These heroic actions required Gomez to tune into his surroundings in a unique manner. Along the way, the future Private Investigator attained a critical attention to detail (even those unseen and unheard). Gomez credits his military intelligence training with instilling in him a strong sense of awareness and courage. He maintains various Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security Certifications.